Monday, May 5, 2008

i have a storyy

hey guys. so basically, ima steal davesun's idea and write a story. but probably only for/about today because it's been the only interesting day that has aroused strong emotions within me. alright, here we go.

So, a young girl named Victoria woke up this morning expecting a normal day. She threw on a pair of Religion's, a flowy little shirt, a black Kenzie cardigan, and her Tory Burch flipflops and tied her hair up. She walked into the garage and stepped into her silver SUV and started off to school. (excuse me for going all "the clique book" on you all =]) ANYWAYS, life went on as normal. Chorus, Latin, PHYS ED. But then.. lunch rolled by.

It started out as usual. Waiting in the salad line and such, finding a seat, sitting down and eating having a jolly old time. But one voice ruined her whole day. "Victoria, you have saturday school this saturday" in other words, DETENTION. At first i thought this girl was joking so I was still as carefree as ever, but then I saw the list: (9) Victoria Lee 8-12. 4 HOURS OF SATURDAY SCHOOL?! 4 HOURS OF SITTING IN A CLASSROOM ON A SATURDAY DOING WORK?! Although it made her think herself a rebel, she had not known how she had gotten it or why for that matter. She was angry and frustrated and she got right up and marched to the assistant principal aka manager of the disciplinary department's office...

BUT ITS JUST HER LUCK. SHE WASN'T THERE! nor is this woman going to be here for the rest of the week. So instead she went to the attendance office, hoping to get an answer or even the slightest idea of how she got this mysterious fate. According to the office lady, the mean one, she "cut class". and not just any class.. A STUDY HALL! WHO SKIPS STUDY HALL?! Anyways, this was confusing, for no one GAVE HER A CUT SLIP or anything of that sort. She's been prancing along the halls, happy that she had saturdays to do whatever she wanted. But now, those days are gone. Those days are shattered. all because of... Ms. Fried. Her evil study hall teacher who told the office that she cut class. I mean seriously, She'd be the last person anyone would think would cut. And if I were to go to saturday school.. I'd actually want to CUT CLASS instead of not and having to go anyways. and oh yeah. even funnier. APPARENTLY I SKIPPED ON MARCH 10! ONE MONTH AGO! Even if the teacher marked her absent, who would remember whether or not she did? EVEN THOUGH SHE DIDNT AND THATS A FACT. So it was also her homeroom teacher's fault for not getting her the slip.

Because of this, she went to talk to the study hall teacher hoping to get an ounce of hope that she would be able to make it out alive. FAT CHANCE. the study hall teacher was even nastier than the attendance lady. She even said, quote unquote "I have a lot of kids in my study hall. I don't think I've ever seen you in my life" I MEAN SERIOUSLY?! WHO SAYS STUFF LIKE THAT?! she's a rude and cruel woman and this caused Victoria to walk out teary eyed. It was an emotional rollercoaster and she was very depressed that she had to deal with all this, all because of some stupid mistake either the office, MS. FRIED, or her homeroom teacher made.

Victoria went through the rest of the day sulking. Now she has to go to saturday school for a crime she did not commit. For 4 hours on a day she has had planned full of fun activites. but 4 hours of that day has been shattered. It's now gone. I guess this is how it feels like to be a prisoner in jail when you are really innocent.

if you want more details. feel free to im me. i like ranting =]