Wednesday, June 25, 2008

so wow.

yeah, it's summer right now and i've been hanging out a ton, but it still doesn't feel like summer, you know? maybe it's because i'm living at my aunts and i can actually see people every single day. and maybe it'd because i'm not trapped in a house thats like a million degrees. and maybe because my parents aren't excatly here. or maybe because the weather is a crappy mess. except for today, cause now the sun is out and it looks beautiful.

but yeah, summer has been pretty exciting. i officially got out last thursday, but i stopped going to school on tuesday and just kept chilling and having fun. which is GOOD, because i got to meet some new and interesting people, and i got to have some quality time with some people who aren't so new but are still interesting :) i've been to boston like 60 times this week and it's been good but i've pretty much walked everywhere and my feet are sore, haha.

and yeah. which makes me realize something. for a wholeee week i've been doing stuff and i haven't spent any time with God (except for family worship...with Liz's family, lol) but yeah. i guess i kinda lost sight when there are so many distractions in the summer. with my opportune location like.. less than 5 miles away from everyone and the fact that i basically can do anything i want with no one telling me otherwise, as long as i have a ride. i feel like, satan is trying to bring me down. not only me, but so many of us, especially in the summer when homework and school is over (except for patrick, faith, and others, lol) and we have so much freedom. and i'm kind of caving in. so yeah. so when you see me in church or... everyday ;) then just give me a little reminder to stay with God and to keep having a relationship with him and to talk and converse with him everyday. alrighty. ima go do my devos now.

have a good summer, now. don't do drugs! :)