Tuesday, November 20, 2007


the words didn't hurt me so much.. like not the stuff that the person wrote. but what made me really hurt was that someone in our youth group would say that. like putting someone down like that. it just makes me scared of what we're turning into.. like a place where people can't even feel loved anymore' where we can't even really fellowship anymore.

so yeah. i was on facebook and looking at stuff on compare people which said some really mean things about me. and i guess i was sorta mad, like how can you not be? but i was even more just plain sad for whoever it is. like.. they have so much to say about others and they don't even look at themselves and stuff. and that they try to bring you down instead of helping you up and stuff. and i'm pretty sure it was someone from LYF which makes it all the bit worse. i thought church was about fellowship and really being able to love God and to serve others and stuff but yeah. it was just these random messages that yeah.

i think God's testing my humbleness and patience. please pray that i'll be able to have growth in these areas. thanks.


Salina said...

whoever wrote that on fb honestly has some deep-seated inner issues they have to deal with. it's undeniable what a good singer you are. even if they don't like you, it doesn't give them the right to say all those things, especially on something that's so public. they're just jealous. don't worry though, everyone else at church loves you and appreciates the effort you put into worship

Blair said...

aww victoria!!! okay whatever they said, they're just jealous. and basically what salina said. remember that dr suess quote? “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” I HEART YOU.