Monday, October 22, 2007

my daily rant

wow, i didn't know that i would continue writing in this every day, but i guess i am. how lovely, right? so yes.. today was alright but my bus got me home an hour after i was let out. that made me very angry and depressed, lol.. and as of now i'm wearing knee socks and shorts. you should see it.. they don't even match but they're pretty spiffy so that all that matters. what did i do today..? absolutely nothing but that's alright. i'll live. and OMGOODNESS! RED SOX ARE IN THE WORLD SERIES! WOOHOO! that's so exciting.. how long has it been? it's been a while but the day has come :)

as of now, i want to go out really bad because i am so bored. i should probably get started on homework but yeah. me and homework arent friends, lol. what else what else.. oh yeah! if you have a blog and i don't know about it yet, leave me a comment so i can bookmark you. OR... you can just leave me a comment :)


Blair said...

an hour later?!?!? thats ridiculous!

yay red sox!! now i might actually start watching it instead of hearing about the games from the radio haha.

okay so you and tiffany are sleeping over friday night right??

Chanman said...

its only been 3 years since the last time the red sox been to the world series