Sunday, October 21, 2007

what a day

so, today was quite lovely if i may say so myself. to start off my day was church. it was really nice and i just felt a sense a peace being there. i also got to catch up with people and to just take it slowly. haha, and our whole big group of canto children sat and talked about random stuff like vinnie and justin. fun stuff :) lol. after church, i went to mi cousine et cousin house and that was alright. i got like an allergic reaction so that sucked. my eyes started getting watery and they started swelling so i took my drugs and now it's allllll good. what else did i do today? oh yeah! i played an intense game of foosball with my daddy and i got to talk to my mom. i realize how much that i love my parents. i take them for granted so much and it was really good being able to talk to them and to really involve them in my lives. plus, mi padre is bueno at foosball so that was a plus. if he sucked at it i don't know what i would be writing right now, lol. but yeah. that whole first part of my day was very relaxing and enjoyable.

hmm. we got italian takeout and that was also delicious :) then i took a nap and i actually set my alarm clock so i could wake up with enough time to do my homework.. welll... i ended up taking 2 hour nap when i set my alarm clock for 30 mins cause i kept hitting the snooze button.. whoops ;) haha. but yeah.. now i am so tired and i'm writing in this blog.. AND I FINALLY FINISHED MY ENGLISH ESSAY! WOOHOO!! yeah.. that thing has been postponed for so long and i only finished it tonight. it pretty much sucks but i'm so tired that i don't even care anymore.. so right now all i need to do is finish my geo homework and then i'm golden..

AND GO SOX! we better win or someone's not gonna be in a good mood.


liz said...

hola, i'm happy you had a lovely day. i knoww, how awesome are canto people? i love foosball! lol what did you get an allergic reaction too? aw i'm glad you realized that about your parents. haha i thought your txt about 4 person booths was also ironic. yayy you finished your essay like an obedient daughter :) what vignettes did you end up using? i love long naps, which aren't good for you, but that's ok. i watched some of the game at my friend's house and they were leading by 3 soo hopefully they're still winning! andd if they win i won't have to swim this week for gym :)

Blair said...

danggggggg i wish i was there to be in the canto group. tiffany updated me a bit about your whole VINNIE thing. ;) hahahahah. but it was cool seeing you guys from a distance because seeing you guys have so much fun made be realize how much i loooveee the canto kids and how much we've been through :) you know?

haha your parents are so cool. haha! your dad would be good at foosball. isn't he insane at ping pong too?


yay sox won :)