Tuesday, October 16, 2007


wow. i just got a blogger? how exciting. i guess this is kind of like xanga but whatever. i still have my xanga, by the way. go check it out. but yeah, okay.. so first post so i guess i'll say a little about my day.

so.. i always say i'm a procrastinator but i never actually think i am. well.. i actually am and i found that out today and it kind of scares me. i got home around 3:30.. i put my away message up saying that i'm studying and doing homework. now it's 2 hours later and i haven't even touched my backpack yet. i kind of wish i was back in the olden days where i had nothing to do except prance around in fields. that would be fun. but yeah, i need to slow down and just relax. and actually sleep for once. and yeah, i got my geometry test back. i thought it was going to be better but i got an 83. kind of depressing.

wow, i am a boring person.. don't worry! keep coming back because i'll find more interesting things to say next time.


Anonymous said...

(rapping voice)yo yo yo yo yo yo, an 83? saw what?

Anonymous said...


liz said...

victoria! lol i have a blogspot too, but i always never finish writing posts/delete them the next day. but yayy you've made me want to write it in more. andd i'll read this everyday to hear about your interesante life.

Blair said...

this is so weird. apparently, i have one of these and i'm already logged on?? HOW DID IT KNOW MY NAME WAS BLAIR OMG. (choose an identity- first option was blair) anyway, i wish i could prance around fields like it was the old times too. of course, they did other things too :P and 83!!! i would have been so lucky to get an 83 last year in geometry. i used to get like 50s in that class so 83 is wicked good :) SO PROUD OF YOU. <3 haha okay TTUL.